This is advance peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange platform that enables users to trade cryptocurrencies directly with other users, without the need for a central authority or intermediary. Our software provides a user-friendly interface and advanced features such as real-time trading. Our platform is designed with a focus on security and reliability, ensuring the safety of user’s funds and trades. We employ advanced encryption techniques to protect user information, and all transactions are secured through multi-signature wallets. Our software is also scalable, allowing you to easily add new features and functionality as your business grows.
This complete online Jobs portal script is developed for creating an interactive job vacancy for candidates and for Employers to post jobs. This web application is to be conceived in its current form as a dynamic site-requiring constant updates both from the seekers as well as the companies.
This is Bitcoin investment script that can be used for various purposes. CapitalTrader broker php script comes with the features like deposits, withdraw, investment plans, bonus, referral commission, so on and so on. It is seo friendly, modern architectural and secure web application build with laravel. It has very eye catchy dynamic theme for frontend, user panel and admin panel.
This is an Email Marketing Application is the easiest way to send email marketing newsletters! Create your brands, add campaigns and monitor progression. Mailer has powerful features to create dynamic lists using different segments. Stop wasting monthly subscription fees and make your newsletter marketing more professional.